Here naverokê


Ji Wîkîpediya, ensîklopediya azad.


Belgekirina şablonê[nîşan bide] [biguhêre] [dîrokê bibîne] [rojane bike]

Şablon:Cascade-protected template

This template duplicates {{end}} for technical reasons. See the documentation on that page.

To avoid causing lint errors and potential issues with page display, always finalize a sequence of succession box templates with this template (except when ending with {{s-ref}}, which already incorporates it).

Why this template exists

[çavkaniyê biguhêre]

The various succession box templates are considered navigational content and thus are excluded from print in the PDFs and printed books. However, {{end}} can be used to end any table, thus that template cannot be excluded from print. However, {{s-end}} can be excluded without any negative repercussions. Similar templates that are unambiguously the end of tables which should be excluded in print should redirect here, rather than to {{end}}.

If you see any succession template ending with {{end}}, please change it to {{s-end}}.


[çavkaniyê biguhêre]
Ev belgekirina TemplateDatayê ya vê şablonê ye ku ji aliyê VisualEditor û vebijarkên din ve tê bikaranîn.

TemplateData ji bo S-end

Ends a succession box list started by {{S-start}}.

Parametreyên şablonê[Daneyên şablonê biguhêre]

Formata rêzê di vê şablonê de tê bikaranîn.

Ti parametre nehatiye nivîsîn