Maûna hindî

Maûna hindî, dara nîm, Margoz (Azadirachta indica, navên din: Melia azadirachta L., Antelaea azadirachta (L.) Adelb.) yek ji du cinsên Azadirachta ye ku ya din jî Azadirachta excelsa ye. Di famîleya maûnan (Meliaceae) de cih digire. Ji rûnê vê darê di bijîşkiya hindî de hin derman tên çêkirin. 15–20 m (heya 40 m jî) bilind dibin. Heya 200 salan dijî.
[biguhêre | çavkaniyê biguhêre]Almanî
- Ellen Norten und Jean Pütz (Hrsg.): Wunderbaum Niem – Medizin, Kosmetik, Pflanzenschutz aus der Natur. vgs Verlag, Köln 1997, ISBN 3-8025-1322-3
- Sebastian Bödeker, Oliver Moldenhauer und Benedikt Rubbel: Wissensallmende. VSA, Hamburg 2004, ISBN 3-89965-118-9, S. 32–33.
- Heinrich Schmutterer: Niempräparate (Neem, Nim). In: Heinrich Schmutterer, Jürg Huber (Hrsg.): Natürliche Schädlingsbekämpfungsmittel. Ulmer Verlag, 2005, ISBN 3-8001-4754-8
- Eric R. Boa: A guide to the identification of diseases and pests of neem. (Azadirachta indica). FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (RAPA), Bangkok, 1995
- Alexander Wudtke (1995) Einsatz von NemAzal T/S gegen Materialschädlinge am Beispiel der Kleidermotte, Proc. of 5th Workshop „Practice Oriented Results on Use and Production of Neem-Ingredients and Pheromons“ in Wetzlar (, 274 S.
- A. Wudtke (1997) Einsatz von Neem als Wachstumshemmer – Use of Neem as a growth inhibitor, in: Proc. of 5th Workshop „Practice Oriented Results on Use and Production of Neem-Ingredients and Pheromons“ in Wetzlar 1996, 175–176
- Ruparao T. Gahukar: Neem in plant protection. Agri-Horticultural Publishing House, Nagpur, India 1995, ISBN 81-900392-0-2
- Martin Jacobson (Hrsg.): The neem tree. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Fl. 1989, ISBN 0-8493-4101-9
- Heinrich Schmutterer (Hrsg.): The neem tree Azadirachta indica (A. Juss.) and other meliaceous plants. Sources of unique natural products for integrated pest management, medicine, industry and other purposes. VCH Verlagsgesellschaft, Weinheim 1995, ISBN 3-527-30054-6
- Dina Tewari: Monograph on neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss.). International Book Distributors, Dehra Dun, India 1992, ISBN 81-7089-175-2
- Noel D. Vietmeyer (Hrsg.): Neem. A tree for solving global problems; report of an ad hoc panel of the Board on Science and Technology for International Development, National Research Council. National Academy Press, Washington D.C. 1992, ISBN 0-309-04686-6
- K Vijayalakshmi, K S Radha und Vandana Shiva: Neem. A User’s Manual. Centre for Indian Knowledge Systems, Chennai and Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Natural Resource Policy, New Delhi 1995.
- Katharine Sanderson: Chemists synthesize a natural-born killer. In: Nature. Band 448, Nr. 7154, 2007, S. 630.
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[biguhêre | çavkaniyê biguhêre]
Li Wikimedia Commons medyayên di warê Maûna hindî de hene.
- Li ser maûna hindî Girêdana arşîvê 2012-07-12 li ser Wayback Machine (almanî)
- Neem Foundation, India (îngl.)
- International Neem Network der FAO (îngl.) Girêdana arşîvê 2003-01-16 li ser Wayback Machine
- Malper li ser maûna hindî, ji aliyê biyokîmyanas Birgit Bradtke, Awistraliya (îngl.)
- Dara Nîm bi awayê terapiya nûjen Girêdana arşîvê 2012-08-01 li ser Wayback Machine (ne bi kurdî ye)