Ben Lucien Burman
Ben Lucien Burman ( z. 12'ê berfanbara 1895 li Covington,Kentucky, DYA m. 12ê çiriya paşîn 1984 li Nû Yorkê) rojnamevan û nivîskarê amerîkan bû.
Burman bi Big river to cross: Mississippi Life ve portreyek rojnamegerî ya jiyanê li ser Mississippi nivîsand û bi Blow for a landing ew romanekî serpêhatiyên li ser vê çemê nivîsand. Ew bi taybetî ji hêla çîrokên heywanan ve li ser cîhê aşopî Catfish Bend pir xweş tê nas kirin. Burman bi Alice Caddy Burman (1896-1977) re zewicandî bû, ku gelek romanên wê bi wêne kir. Di dema Şerê Cîhanî yê Duyem de ew ji Afrîkaya Bakur li ser rejîmê Vichy ragihand.
Burman di sala 1984an de ji ber dagêşînê mir.
- Mississippi, illustrated by wife, Alice Caddy, 1929
- adapted to film as Heaven on Earth in 1931, directed by Russell Mack
- Then There's Cripple Creek, 1930
- Steamboat 'round the Bend, illustrated by Caddy, 1933
- adapted to film as Steamboat Round the Bend in 1935, directed by John Ford
- Blow for a Landing, 1938
- Big River to Cross: Mississippi Life Today, illustrated by Caddy, 1940
- Miracle on the Congo: Report from the Free French Front, 1942
- Rooster Crows for Day, illustrated by Caddy, 1945
- Everywhere I Roam, illustrated by Caddy, 1949
- Children of Noah: Glimpses of Unknown America, illustrated by Caddy, 1951
- The Four Lives of Mundy Tolliver, 1953
- It's a Big Country: America off the Highways, illustrated by Caddy, 1956
- The Street of the Laughing Camel, illustrated by Caddy, 1959
- It's a Big Continent, illustrated by Caddy, 1961
- The Generals Wear Cork Hats: An Amazing Adventure That Made World History, illustrated by Caddy, 1963
- The Sign of the Praying Tiger, illustrated by Caddy, 1966
- Look Down That Winding River: An Informal Profile of the Mississippi, illustrated by Caddy, 1973
- High Water at Catfish Bend, 1952, reprinted, 1981
- Seven Stars for Catfish Bend, 1956, reprinted, 1981
- The Owl Hoots Twice at Catfish Bend, 1961, reprinted, 1981
- Blow a Wild Bugle for Catfish Bend, 1967
- High Treason at Catfish Bend, 1977
- The Strange Invasion of Catfish Bend, 1980
- Thunderbolt at Catfish Bend, 1984
- Steamboat 'Round the Bend: Songs & Stories of the Mississippi, 1956, Folkways Records