Here naverokê

Şablon:Cat in use

Ji Wîkîpediya, ensîklopediya azad.


Belgekirina şablonê[nîşan bide] [biguhêre] [dîrokê bibîne] [rojane bike]

This template checks whether a category is 'in use', checking various combinations of whether the category exists (is not a redlink) and is populated (has pages in it).

  • {{cat in use| Wikipedia }} → 0
  • {{cat in use| Avpoaihaw }} → 0

The second parameter can be used to indicate the comparison performed:

  • or returns "1" (true) if the category exists or has members (default);
  • and returns "1" (true) if the category exists and has members;
  • xor returns "1" (true) if the category exists but is empty, or if the category does not exist but has members.


[çavkaniyê biguhêre]

Switch that checks whether a category is in use

Parametreyên şablonê[Daneyên şablonê biguhêre]


Category being checked for use

Navê rûpelêpêwîst
Comparison type2

Whether a category needs to have members, exist, or both

Nirxên pêşniyazkirî
or and xor
Nayê zanînpêşniyazkirî