Here naverokê

Şablon:Trim quotes

Ji Wîkîpediya, ensîklopediya azad.
Belgekirina şablonê[nîşan bide] [biguhêre] [dîrokê bibîne] [rojane bike]

This template trims matched pairs of leading and trailing single (') and double (") quotes and whitespace from a string. The string should be passed as the first unnamed parameter or using |1= or |s= if your string contains any = signs.

{{trim quotes|text}} = text with any leading or trailing quotes removed (as long as text doesn't contain any = signs).

{{trim quotes|1=text}} or {{trim quotes|s=text}} = text with any leading or trailing quotes removed.

  • {{trim quotes|1= 'Play it, Sam.' }} produces Play it, Sam..
  • {{trim quotes|1= ""Jimmy's""}} produces Jimmy's
  • {{trim quotes|1= Alex said "hello"}} produces Alex said "hello" (since the quotes aren't at the beginning and end of the string)
  • {{trim quotes|1=''zut alors!''}} produces zut alors! (the double-apostrophe that would otherwise display the phrase in italics is removed)
  • {{trim quotes|1='''This place is not a place of honor'''}} produces This place is not a place of honor (the triple-apostrophe that would otherwise display the phrase in boldface is removed)
  • {{trim quotes|1="fish" and "chips"}} produces fish" and "chips (the quotes at the beginning and end are removed, those in the middle are unaffected)

Template data

[çavkaniyê biguhêre]
Ev belgekirina TemplateDatayê ya vê şablonê ye ku ji aliyê VisualEditor û vebijarkên din ve tê bikaranîn.

TemplateData ji bo Trim quotes

The template trims matched pairs of leading and trailing single and double quotes from a string.

Parametreyên şablonê[Daneyên şablonê biguhêre]


The string to be trimmed
