Bikarhêner:Balyozxane/Jêbirin/Gotarên bingehîn/dane/J
"Jiyan": { "level": 1, "section": "Level 1 Gotarên bingehîn" }, "Julius Caesar": { "level": 3, "section": "Serok û siyasetmedar" }, "Jeanne d'Arc": { "level": 3, "section": "Serok û siyasetmedar" }, "John Locke": { "level": 3, "section": "Fîlozof û zanyarên civakî" }, "Johann Sebastian Bach": { "level": 3, "section": "Muzîsyen" }, "Johannes Gutenberg": { "level": 3, "section": "Zanyar û mucîd" }, "James Clerk Maxwell": { "level": 3, "section": "Zanyar û mucîd" }, "Japon": { "level": 3, "section": "Welat" }, "Jin": { "level": 3, "section": "Seksualîte û zayend" }, "Jînfirehî": { "level": 3, "section": "Problemên civakî" }, "Japanese language": { "level": 3, "section": "Ziman" }, "Jaguar": { "level": 4, "topic": "Biyolojî û zanistên sihetê", "section": "Goştxwer" }, "Jehrnasî": { "level": 4, "topic": "Biyolojî û zanistên sihetê", "section": "Beşên tibê" }, "Jehr": { "level": 4, "topic": "Biyolojî û zanistên sihetê", "section": "Yên din" }, "Jamaîka": { "level": 4, "topic": "Cografya", "section": "Caribbean 2" }, "Jiangsu": { "level": 4, "topic": "Cografya", "section": "China" }, "Jinan": { "level": 4, "topic": "Cografya", "section": "East China" }, "Jenev": { "level": 4, "topic": "Cografya", "section": "Switzerland" }, "Jinên Amazon": { "level": 4, "topic": "Felsefe û dîn", "section": "Greek mythological heroes" }, "Jupîter": { "level": 4, "topic": "Felsefe û dîn", "section": "Roman deities" }, "Jînenîgarî": { "level": 4, "topic": "Huner", "section": "Basics" }, "Jambon": { "level": 4, "topic": "Jiyana rojane", "section": "Meat and other animal products" }, "Jojo": { "level": 4, "topic": "Jiyana rojane", "section": "Toys" }, "Jîmnastîk": { "level": 4, "topic": "Jiyana rojane", "section": "Other individual sports" }, "Jackie Chan": { "level": 4, "topic": "Mirov", "section": "Aktor" }, "Judy Garland": { "level": 4, "topic": "Mirov", "section": "Aktor" }, "Jack Nicholson": { "level": 4, "topic": "Mirov", "section": "Aktor" }, "Josephine Baker": { "level": 4, "topic": "Mirov", "section": "Dansên din" }, "Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres": { "level": 4, "topic": "Mirov", "section": "Çaxa modern a paşîn (resam)" }, "John Donne": { "level": 4, "topic": "Mirov", "section": "Ewropa 3" }, "Jonathan Swift": { "level": 4, "topic": "Mirov", "section": "Ewropa 3" }, "John M. Coetzee": { "level": 4, "topic": "Mirov", "section": "Afrîka" }, "Jack London": { "level": 4, "topic": "Mirov", "section": "DYA û Kanada" }, "John Steinbeck": { "level": 4, "topic": "Mirov", "section": "DYA û Kanada" }, "Jorge Luis Borges": { "level": 4, "topic": "Mirov", "section": "Amerîkaya latîn" }, "Joseph Brodsky": { "level": 4, "topic": "Mirov", "section": "Rûsya" }, "Johann Wolfgang von Goethe": { "level": 4, "topic": "Mirov", "section": "Ewropaya rojava" }, "José Saramago": { "level": 4, "topic": "Mirov", "section": "Ewropaya rojava" }, "Jules Verne": { "level": 4, "topic": "Mirov", "section": "Ewropaya rojava" }, "Jane Austen": { "level": 4, "topic": "Mirov", "section": "Keyaniya Yekbûyî û Îrlenda" }, "James Joyce": { "level": 4, "topic": "Mirov", "section": "Keyaniya Yekbûyî û Îrlenda" }, "J. R. R. Tolkien": { "level": 4, "topic": "Mirov", "section": "Keyaniya Yekbûyî û Îrlenda" }, "John Lennon": { "level": 4, "topic": "Mirov", "section": "Rock" }, "Janis Joplin": { "level": 4, "topic": "Mirov", "section": "Rock" }, "Jean Cocteau": { "level": 4, "topic": "Mirov", "section": "Directors" }, "Jacques Cartier": { "level": 4, "topic": "Mirov", "section": "Çaxa modern a ewil 2" }, "Jean-Jacques Rousseau": { "level": 4, "topic": "Mirov", "section": "Çaxa modern a ewil 3" }, "John Dewey": { "level": 4, "topic": "Mirov", "section": "Late modern period 2" }, "Jürgen Habermas": { "level": 4, "topic": "Mirov", "section": "Late modern period 2" }, "John Stuart Mill": { "level": 4, "topic": "Mirov", "section": "Late modern period 2" }, "Jean-Paul Sartre": { "level": 4, "topic": "Mirov", "section": "Late modern period 2" }, "Jean Piaget": { "level": 4, "topic": "Mirov", "section": "Psychologists" }, "Jean Calvin": { "level": 4, "topic": "Mirov", "section": "Protestantism" }, "Joseph Smith": { "level": 4, "topic": "Mirov", "section": "Others" }, "John Adams": { "level": 4, "topic": "Mirov", "section": "United States" }, "James Madison": { "level": 4, "topic": "Mirov", "section": "United States" }, "Juan Peron": { "level": 4, "topic": "Mirov", "section": "South America" }, "J. Edgar Hoover": { "level": 4, "topic": "Mirov", "section": "United States 2" }, "John F. Kennedy": { "level": 4, "topic": "Mirov", "section": "United States 2" }, "James K. Polk": { "level": 4, "topic": "Mirov", "section": "United States 2" }, "Josip Broz Tito": { "level": 4, "topic": "Mirov", "section": "Southeastern Europe" }, "Joseph Goebbels": { "level": 4, "topic": "Mirov", "section": "Germany 2" }, "Juan Carlos I": { "level": 4, "topic": "Mirov", "section": "Iberia" }, "Jane Addams": { "level": 4, "topic": "Mirov", "section": "United States 3" }, "James Chadwick": { "level": 4, "topic": "Mirov", "section": "Late modern period 8" }, "John Dalton": { "level": 4, "topic": "Mirov", "section": "Late modern period 8" }, "James Joule": { "level": 4, "topic": "Mirov", "section": "Late modern period 8" }, "J. J. Thomson": { "level": 4, "topic": "Mirov", "section": "Late modern period 8" }, "Johannes Diderik van der Waals": { "level": 4, "topic": "Mirov", "section": "Late modern period 8" }, "Johannes Kepler": { "level": 4, "topic": "Mirov", "section": "Astronomy" }, "Jacobus Henricus van ’t Hoff": { "level": 4, "topic": "Mirov", "section": "Chemistry" }, "Jean-Baptiste Lamarck": { "level": 4, "topic": "Mirov", "section": "Biology" }, "Jacques Yves Cousteau": { "level": 4, "topic": "Mirov", "section": "Physical geography" }, "John Bardeen": { "level": 4, "topic": "Mirov", "section": "Inventors and engineers" }, "Jack Kilby": { "level": 4, "topic": "Mirov", "section": "Inventors and engineers" }, "James Watt": { "level": 4, "topic": "Mirov", "section": "Inventors and engineers" }, "Jean Baptiste le Rond d'Alembert": { "level": 4, "topic": "Mirov", "section": "Çaxa modern a ewil 10" }, "Joseph-Louis Lagrange": { "level": 4, "topic": "Mirov", "section": "Late modern period 9" }, "Java (zimanê bernamesaziyê)": { "level": 4, "topic": "Teknolojî", "section": "Programming" }, "JavaScript": { "level": 4, "topic": "Teknolojî", "section": "Programming" }, "Joule": { "level": 4, "topic": "Zanistên fizîkî", "section": "Energy, force and pressure" }, "Jeomorfolojî": { "level": 4, "topic": "Zanistên fizîkî", "section": "Geomorphology" }, "Jimara Reynolds": { "level": 4, "topic": "Zanistên fizîkî", "section": "Fluid mechanics" }