
Ji Wîkîpediya, ensîklopediya azad.
# python addSitelinkandLabel -lang:ku -family:wikipedia -transcludes:"Şablon:Înterwîkî etîket û danasîn"
import pywikibot
import re
from pywikibot import pagegenerators
from import AutomaticTWSummaryBot, ConfigParserBot, SingleSiteBot

def parse_template(page_text):
    template_start = page_text.find("{{Înterwîkî etîket û danasîn|")
    template_end = page_text.find("}}", template_start)

    if template_start != -1 and template_end != -1:
        template_content = page_text[template_start + len("{{Înterwîkî etîket û danasîn|"):template_end].split('|')

        # Initialize variables
        lang_code = None
        interwiki_title = None
        label = None
        description = None

        # Check each parameter
        for param in template_content:
            if param.startswith('d='):
                description = param[2:].strip()
            elif param.startswith('e='):
                label = param[2:].strip()
                if lang_code is None:
                    lang_code = param.strip()
                elif interwiki_title is None:
                    interwiki_title = param.strip()

        # Adjust label and description based on 'd=' and 'e='
        if 'd=' in description:
            label = description.split('d=')[1].strip()
            description = label
        elif 'e=' in label:
            description = label.split('e=')[1].strip()

        return lang_code, interwiki_title, label, description

def get_wikidata_id(lang_code, interwiki_title):
    site = pywikibot.Site(lang_code, "wikipedia")
    page = pywikibot.Page(site, interwiki_title)

    # Get the Wikidata item ID based on the updated Wikipedia title
        item_page = pywikibot.Page(pywikibot.Link(f'{lang_code}:{interwiki_title}', source=site.data_repository()))
        item_id = item_page.data_item().id
        return item_id
    except pywikibot.exceptions.InvalidTitleError:
        pywikibot.error(f"Invalid title: {interwiki_title}")
        return None
def add_sitelink(page, item_id):

    site = pywikibot.Site("ku", "wikipedia")
    repo = site.data_repository()

        item = pywikibot.ItemPage(repo, title=item_id)
        item.setSitelink(page, summary=f"Added sitelink {page} ([[User:Balyozbot#Task1|Task 1]])")
        print(f"Sitelink added for {page.title()} to {item_id}")

    except pywikibot.exceptions.OtherPageSaveError as e:
        print(f"Error adding sitelink for {page.title()}: {str(e)}")
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error in add_sitelink function: {str(e)}")

def add_description_to_wikidata(item_id, label, description):
    site = pywikibot.Site('wikidata', 'wikidata')
    repo = site.data_repository()
        # Create ItemPage using QID
        item = pywikibot.ItemPage(repo, title=item_id)
        item_dict = item.get()

        labels = item_dict.get('labels', {})
        descriptions = item_dict.get('descriptions', {})

        existing_label = labels.get('ku', None)
        existing_description = descriptions.get('ku', None)

        if existing_label is None:
            item.editLabels({"ku": label}, summary=f"Added [ku] label: {label} ([[User:Balyozbot#Task1|Task 1]])")
            print(f"label '{label}' added to {item_id}")
            print(f"Label already exists: {existing_label}")

        if existing_description is None:
            item.editDescriptions({"ku": description}, summary=f"Added [ku] description: {description} ([[User:Balyozbot#Task1|Task 1]])")
            print(f"Description '{description}' added to {item_id}")
            print(f"Description already exists: {existing_description}")

    except pywikibot.exceptions.OtherPageSaveError as e:
        print(f"Error adding label and description to Wikidata for item {item_id}: {str(e)}")
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error in add_description_to_wikidata function: {str(e)}")
def remove_template(page_text):
    template_start = page_text.find("{{Înterwîkî etîket û danasîn|")
    template_end = page_text.find("}}", template_start)

    if template_start != -1 and template_end != -1:
        # Find the position of the line break after the template
        line_break_pos = page_text.find("\n", template_end + 2)

        # Remove the template from the page
        if line_break_pos != -1:
            return page_text[:template_start] + page_text[line_break_pos + 1:]
            return page_text[:template_start] + page_text[template_end + 2:]
        return page_text

def is_disambiguation_page(lang_code, interwiki_title):
    site = pywikibot.Site(lang_code, "wikipedia")
    page = pywikibot.Page(site, interwiki_title)

    # Load the page content to get categories

    # Check if the page has the "Disambiguation pages" category
    for category in page.categories():
        if category.title() == 'Category:Disambiguation pages':
            return True

    return False
class AppendTextBot(
    summary_key = 'basic-changing'
    use_redirects = False
    update_options = {
        'summary': None,
        'text': '',
        'top': False,

    def treat_page(self) -> None:
        page = self.current_page
        text = page.text
        if page.namespace() == 0:
            lang_code, interwiki_title, label, description = parse_template(text)

            if lang_code and interwiki_title:
                interwiki_page = pywikibot.Page(pywikibot.Site('en', 'wikipedia'), interwiki_title)

                # Check if the page is a redirect
                if interwiki_page.isRedirectPage():
                    # If it is a redirect, update interwiki_title to the redirected page title
                    interwiki_title = interwiki_page.getRedirectTarget().title()
                if is_disambiguation_page(lang_code, interwiki_title):
                    pywikibot.output(f"Skipping disambiguation page: {page.title()}")

                    # Add "Category:Pages interwiki linking to disambiguation pages" only if it doesn't exist
                    category_page = pywikibot.Page(, "Kategorî:Rûpelên bi înterwîkiyê yên diçin rûpelên cudakirinê")
                    category_link = f'[[{category_page.title()}]]'
                    if category_link not in page.text:
                        page.text = page.text + "\n" + category_link
              "Bot: +[[Kategorî:Rûpelên bi înterwîkiyê yên diçin rûpelên cudakirinê]]")
                item_id = get_wikidata_id(lang_code, interwiki_title)
                if item_id:
                        add_sitelink(page, item_id)
                    except pywikibot.exceptions.OtherPageSaveError as e:
                        print(f"Error saving sitelink for page {page.title()}: {str(e)}. Skipping the current page.")
                    except Exception as e:
                        print(f"Error processing page {page.title()}: {str(e)}. Skipping the current page.")
                    add_description_to_wikidata(item_id, label, description)

                    updated_text = remove_template(text)

                    text = updated_text
                    summary="Bot: Rûpel bi Wîkîdaneyê hat girêdan û şablon hat rakirin"
                    pywikibot.output(f"Final text to put: {text}")

                    self.put_current(text, summary=summary)

                    print(f"Unable to get Wikidata ID for page: {page.title()}. Skipping the current page.")
                print(f"Invalid template or missing information on page: {page.title()}")
            print(f"Page not in mainspace: {page.title()}")

def main(*args: str) -> None:
    local_args = pywikibot.handle_args(args)
    gen_factory = pagegenerators.GeneratorFactory()
    local_args = gen_factory.handle_args(local_args)

    options = {'text': ''}

    for arg in local_args:
        option, _, value = arg.partition(':')
        if option in ('summary', 'text'):
            if not value:
                pywikibot.input(f'Please enter a value for {option}')
            options[option] = value
            options[option] = True

    gen = gen_factory.getCombinedGenerator(preload=True)

    if not gen):
        bot = AppendTextBot(generator=gen, **options)

if __name__ == '__main__':