Modul:Ref info
Belgekirina modulê[biafirîne]
-- This module counts the number of times that various reference tags and cs1|2 templates appear.
-- {{#invoke:ref_count|ref_count}}
-- {{ref info}}
-- {{ref info|aristotle}}
local p = {}
-- these are the cannonical names. What to do about redirects? Lua patterns?
local cs1_template_list = {'ar[Xx]iv', '[Aa][Vv] media', '[Aa][Vv] media notes', 'book', 'conference', '[Dd][Vv][Dd] notes', 'encyclopedia',
'episode', 'interview', 'journal', 'magazine', 'mailing list', 'map', 'news', 'newsgroup', 'podcast', 'press release',
'report', 'sign', 'speech', 'serial', 'techreport', 'thesis', 'web'};
local cleanup_template_list = {'[Cc]itation needed', '[Dd]isputed inline', '[Dd]ubious', '[Ff]ailed verification'};
local dead_link_template_list = {'[Dd]ea?d[%- ]?[Ll]inks?', '[Dd]ead ?cite', '[Dd]ead page', '[Dd]ead ?url', '[Dd]ead%-inline',
'404', '[Bb]ad ?link', '[Bb]roken ?link', '[Dd][Ll]', '[Ll]ink ?broken', '[Dd]ead'}
--[[--------------------------< C O U N T _ P A T T E R N >----------------------------------------------------
this is a general purpose function used to count occurrences of patterns in the unparsed article text
local function count_pattern (text, pattern)
local _;
local count;
_, count = mw.ustring.gsub (text, pattern, '%1');
return count;
--[[--------------------------< C O U N T _ C S 1 >------------------------------------------------------------
Using the list of cs1 templates, make a count of just those references or templates as dictated by base_pattern.
local function count_cs1 (text, base_pattern)
local _;
local count, total = 0, 0;
for i, template in ipairs (cs1_template_list) do
pattern = string.format (base_pattern, template); -- make a pattern for the selected cs1 template
_, count = mw.ustring.gsub (text, pattern, '%1'); -- count occurences of that pattern
total = total + count; -- accumulate a total
return total;
--[[--------------------------< C O U N T _ C L E A N U P >----------------------------------------------------
Using the list of cleanup templates, make a count of those templates as dictated by base_pattern.
local function count_cleanup (text, base_pattern)
local _;
local count, total = 0, 0;
for i, template in ipairs (cleanup_template_list) do
pattern = string.format (base_pattern, template); -- make a pattern for the selected cleanup template
_, count = mw.ustring.gsub (text, pattern, '%1'); -- count occurences of that pattern
total = total + count; -- accumulate a total
return total;
--[[--------------------------< C O U N T _ D E A D _ L I N K S >----------------------------------------------
Using the list of dead link templates, make a count of those templates as dictated by base_pattern.
local function count_dead_links (text, base_pattern)
local _;
local count, total = 0, 0;
for i, template in ipairs (dead_link_template_list) do
pattern = string.format (base_pattern, template); -- make a pattern for the selected cleanup template
_, count = mw.ustring.gsub (text, pattern, '%1'); -- count occurences of that pattern
total = total + count; -- accumulate a total
return total;
--[[--------------------------< H A S _ L D R >----------------------------------------------------------------
returns a string set to 'yes' if the article uses list defined references. ldr uses {{reflist |refs=...}} or
<references>...</references>. Here we do simple 'find's to make the determination.
It is also possible to do ldr with {{refbegin}} ... {{refend}}
the pattern value is passed to this function but ignored
local function has_ldr (text, pattern)
result = {};
if mw.ustring.find (text, '{{%s*[Rr]eflist[^}]*|%s*refs%s*=%s*[^}|]+') then -- does page use {{Reflist |refs=...}}?
return 'yes'
elseif mw.ustring.find (text, '<references>[^<]+') then -- does page use <references>...</references>?
return 'yes'
return 'no';
--[[--------------------------< O B J E C T S T A B L E >----------------------------------------------------
Here we define various properties and values necessary to the counting of referencing objects
local objects = {
['unnamed_refs'] = { -- count unnamed ref tags
['func'] = count_pattern, -- the function that does the work for this object
['pattern'] = '(<ref>)', -- a pattern that the function uses to find and count this object
['count'] = 0, -- the returned result (called count because that is the most common but can be 'yes' or 'no' etc
['label'] = 'unnamed refs' -- a label and marckup for displaying the result; used with string.format()
['named_refs'] = { -- count named ref tags
['func'] = count_pattern,
['pattern'] = '(<ref%s+name%s*=%s*[%a%d%p ]+>)',
['count'] = 0,
['label'] = 'named refs'
['self_closed_refs'] = { -- count self closed ref tags
['func'] = count_pattern,
['pattern'] = '(<ref%s*name%s*=%s*["%a%d%p ]+/>)',
['count'] = 0,
['label'] = 'self closed'
['r_templates'] = { -- count R templates (wrapper for self closed refs)
['func'] = count_pattern,
['pattern'] = '({{%s*[Rr]%s*|)',
['count'] = 0,
['label'] = 'R templates'
['refn_templates'] = { -- count R templates (wrapper for self closed refs)
['func'] = count_pattern,
['pattern'] = '({{%s*[Rr]efn%s*|)',
['count'] = 0,
['label'] = 'Refn templates'
['bare_url_refs'] = { -- count bare url refs
['func'] = count_pattern, -- TODO: separate function to detect protocol relative urls?
['pattern'] = '(<ref[^>]*>%s*http[^<%s]+%s*</ref>)',
['count'] = 0,
['label'] = '<span style="font-size:inherit" class="error">bare url refs</span>'
['ext_link_refs'] = { -- count unlabeled external link refs
['func'] = count_pattern, -- TODO: separate function to detect protocol relative urls?
['pattern'] = '(<ref[^>]*>%[%s*http[^%]<%s]+%][^<]*</ref>)',
['count'] = 0,
['label'] = '<span style="font-size:inherit" class="error">bare ext link refs</span>'
['cs1_like_refs'] = { -- count cs1 refs and refs that look like cs1 (cite something)
['func'] = count_pattern,
['pattern'] = '(<ref[^>]*>[^<{]*{{%s*[Cc]ite%s+[^|]+)',
['count'] = 0,
['label'] = 'cs1-like refs'
['cs1_refs'] = { -- count cs1 refs only
['func'] = count_cs1,
['pattern'] = '(<ref[^>]*>[^<{]*{{%%s*[Cc]ite%%s+%s%%s*|)', -- will be modified in the func by string.format()
['count'] = 0,
['label'] = 'cs1 refs'
['cs1_like_templates'] = { -- count cs1 templates and templates that look like cs1
['func'] = count_pattern,
['pattern'] = '({{%s*[Cc]ite%s+[^|]+)',
['count'] = 0,
['label'] = 'cs1-like templates'
['cs1_templates'] = { -- count cs1 templates only
['func'] = count_cs1,
['pattern'] = '({{%%s*[Cc]ite%%s+%s%%s*|)', -- will be modified in the func by string.format()
['count'] = 0,
['label'] = 'cs1 templates'
['cs2_refs'] = { -- count cs2 refs
['func'] = count_pattern,
['pattern'] = '(<ref[^>]*>[^<{]*{{%s*[Cc]itation%s*|)',
['count'] = 0,
['label'] = 'cs2 refs'
['cs2_templates'] = { -- count cs2 templates
['func'] = count_pattern,
['pattern'] = '({{%s*[Cc]itation%s*|)',
['count'] = 0,
['label'] = 'cs2 templates'
['vcite_refs'] = { -- count vancite, vcite, and vcite2 refs
['func'] = count_pattern,
['pattern'] = '(<ref[^>]*>[^<{]*{{%s*[Vv]a?n?cite2?%s+[^|]+)',
['count'] = 0,
['label'] = 'vcite refs'
['vcite_templates'] = { -- count vancite, vcite, and vcite2 templates
['func'] = count_pattern,
['pattern'] = '({{%s*[Vv]a?n?cite2?%s+[^|]+)',
['count'] = 0,
['label'] = 'vcite templates'
['wikicite_templates'] = { -- count wikicite templates
['func'] = count_pattern,
['pattern'] = '({{%s*[Ww]ikicite%s*|)',
['count'] = 0,
['label'] = 'wikicite templates'
['harv_refs'] = { -- count harv refs
['func'] = count_pattern,
['pattern'] = '(<ref[^>]*>[^<{]*{{%s*[Hh]arv[nbcolptx]*%s*|)',
['count'] = 0,
['label'] = 'harv refs'
['harv_templates'] = { -- count harv templates
['func'] = count_pattern,
['pattern'] = '({{%s*[Hh]arv[nbcolptx]*%s*|)',
['count'] = 0,
['label'] = 'harv templates'
['sfn_templates'] = { -- count sfn templates
['func'] = count_pattern,
['pattern'] = '({{%s*[Ss]fn[mp]?%s*|)',
['count'] = 0,
['label'] = 'sfn templates'
['rp_templates'] = { -- count rp templates
['func'] = count_pattern,
['pattern'] = '({{%s*[Rr]p%s*|)',
['count'] = 0,
['label'] = 'rp templates'
['ldr'] = { -- does this article use list defined references?
['func'] = has_ldr,
['pattern'] = '', -- uses multiple patterns which are defined in the function
['count'] = 'no',
['label'] = 'uses ldr'
['refbegin_templates'] = { -- count refbegin templates - bibliography lists
['func'] = count_pattern,
['pattern'] = '({{%s*[Rr]efbegin)',
['count'] = 0,
['label'] = 'refbegin templates'
['cleanup_templates'] = { -- count cleanup templates
['func'] = count_cleanup,
['pattern'] = '({{%%s*%s)', -- will be modified in the func by string.format()
['count'] = 0,
['label'] = 'cleanup templates'
['dead_link_templates'] = { -- count deadlink templates (includes redirects)
['func'] = count_dead_links,
['pattern'] = '({{%%s*%s%%s*|)', -- will be modified in the func by string.format()
['count'] = 0,
['label'] = 'dead link templates'
-- here we set the order in which the objects are processed
local order = {'unnamed_refs', 'named_refs', 'self_closed_refs', -- these three are always output
'r_templates', -- this and the others only produce output when ...
'refn_templates', -- ... their count is not 0 or not 'no'
'cs2_refs', 'cs2_templates',
'vcite_refs', 'vcite_templates',
'harv_refs', 'harv_templates',
--[[--------------------------< P . R E F _ I N F O >----------------------------------------------------------
the working part of Template:Ref info
function p.ref_info(frame)
local text; -- unparsed page content
local title; -- page title without namespace or interwiki references
local nstitle; -- page title with namespace and interwiki references
local page_title_object; --
local output = {};
local i=1;
local style = or ''; -- styling css for output table
if frame.args[1] then
page_title_object =[1]); -- title object for the page specified in the template call
page_title_object = mw.title.getCurrentTitle(); -- title object for the current page
text = page_title_object:getContent(); -- the unparsed content of the selected page
nstitle = page_title_object.prefixedText; -- the title of the page (with namespace)
title = page_title_object.text; -- the title of the page (without namespace)
if nil == text then
return string.format ('<span style="font-size:100%%" class="error">{{ref info}} – page is empty or does not exist: %s</span>', frame.args[1] or 'no page');
while order[i] do -- loop through order and search for the related objects
object = order[i]; -- the selected object
objects[object].count = objects[object].func (text, objects[object].pattern) -- do the search and store the result
i=i+1; -- bump to the next object
-- for those that count duplicates remove the duplicates from the counts
objects['named_refs'].count = objects['named_refs'].count - objects['self_closed_refs'].count;
objects['cs1_like_refs'].count = objects['cs1_like_refs'].count - objects['cs1_refs'].count;
objects['cs1_like_templates'].count = objects['cs1_like_templates'].count - objects['cs1_templates'].count;
table.insert (output, string.format ('{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:right; %s"\n|+reference info for [[%s|%s]]', style, nstitle, title)); -- output table header
i=1; -- reset the indexer
while order[i] do -- loop through order and output from the related objects
object = order[i]; -- the selected object
if i<=3 then -- first three (reference tags) are always output
table.insert (output, string.format ('%s\n|%s', objects[object].label, objects[object].count));
elseif 'string' == type (objects[object].count) then -- objects[object].count can be a string or a number
if 'no' ~= objects[object].count then -- if a string and not 'no' ...
table.insert (output, string.format ('%s\n|%s', objects[object].label, objects[object].count)); -- output the result
elseif 'number' == type (objects[object].count) then -- if a number ...
if 0 < objects[object].count then -- ... and count is greater than zero ...
table.insert (output, string.format ('%s\n|%s', objects[object].label, objects[object].count)); -- ... output the result
i=i+1; -- bump the indexer
local result = table.concat (output,'\n|-\n! scope="row" | ');
return result .. '\n|-\n|scope="row" colspan="2" style="text-align:center"|[[Template:Ref_info#Output_meanings|explanations]]\n|-\n|}'
return p