Ev belgekirin binrûpela ji bo Modul:Webarchive ye. Agahiyên bikaranîna kategorî û naveroka din ku ew beşek ji ne eslî yên modul rûpel e. |
This module is rated as ready for general use. It has reached a mature form and is thought to be bug-free and ready for use wherever appropriate. It is ready to mention on help pages and other Wikipedia resources as an option for new users to learn. To reduce server load and bad output, it should be improved by sandbox testing rather than repeated trial-and-error editing. |
This module is subject to page protection. It is a highly visible module in use by a very large number of pages, or is substituted very frequently. Because vandalism or mistakes would affect many pages, and even trivial editing might cause substantial load on the servers, it is protected from editing. |
Ev modul teqrîben li ser 2400 rûpelan tê bikaranîn û dibe ku guhartin bi berfirehî were dîtin. Guhartinên xwe li ser binrûpelên modulê yên /ceribandinê yan /testcases, yan jî ceribandina modulê biceribîne. Berî ku guhartinên xwe bi cih binî li ser rûpela gotûbêjê ramana xwe bibêje. |
Bikaranîna Luayê: |
This module implements Şablon:webarchive (gotûbêj · girêdan · biguhêre).
This module uses Module:Webarchive/data to support configuration control and internationalization.
Tracking categories
[çavkaniyê biguhêre]- tracking archive sites
- Kategorî:Webarchive template wayback links (2420) – links to Wayback Machine
- Kategorî:Webarchive template archiveis links (27) – links to Archive.Today
- Kategorî:Webarchive template webcite links (0) – links to WebCite
- Kategorî:Webarchive template other archives (5) – all the other archive sites that don't have their own tracking category
- Kategorî:Webarchive template unknown archives (9) – the template doesn't recognize the archive URL; this may indicate an error in the data; or the template itself needs updating to reflect a new archive site
- tracking warnings and errors
- Kategorî:Webarchive template warnings (9) – soft errors that don't prevent the template from working but leave a red message
- Kategorî:Webarchive template errors (1) – errors typically requiring human intervention