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18 kanûna pêşîn 2024
- 05:1205:12, 18 kanûna pêşîn 2024 cudahî dîrok +239 Karwan Kamil Karwan was born December 25, Duhok, Kurdistan of Iraq. Karwan began singing at an early age. The first song he sang was "Sotim Yare Jiber Cuna Te". After realising his natural talent for singing and music, he started to work in music in 1987 and he worked very hard to show his talent to the whole Kurdistan and the Middle East! Karwan became a professional singer in 1999, after he released his videoclip, he gathered a lot of fans and he realised he was popular and had many followers. He became mo Etîket: Betalkirî Guhartina dîtbarî Guhartina mobîl Guhartina malpera mobîl