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Ev dane hatiye "cache"kirin û cara paşîn 08:21, 16 çiriya paşîn 2024 hatiye rojanekirin. Herî zêde 5000 encam di "cache"yê de hene.

This page lists pages that redirect to other redirect pages. Each row contains links to the first and second redirect, as well as the target of the second redirect, which is usually the "real" target page to which the first redirect should point. Crossed out entries have been solved.

Li jêr 7 encam, ji #1 heta #7 tên nîşandan.

(50 paş | 50 pêşve) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500) nîşan bide

  1. Gotûbêj:Qozlîya Romê
  2. Bikarhêner:Balyozxane/Gadget-charinsert-core.js (biguhêre)Bikarhêner:Balyozxane/charinsert-core.jsBikarhêner:Balyozxane/skrîpt/js/charinsert-core.js
  3. Bikarhêner:محمد شعیب (biguhêre)Bikarhêner:Yethroshur:User talk:محمد شعیب
  4. Gotûbêja bikarhêner:DeltaQuad (biguhêre)Gotûbêja bikarhêner:AmandaNPm:User talk:DeltaQuad
  5. Gotûbêja bikarhêner:Purbo T (biguhêre)Gotûbêja bikarhêner:Purodhaksh:Metmaacher Klaaf:Purodha
  6. Gotûbêja bikarhêner:محمد شعیب (biguhêre)Gotûbêja bikarhêner:Yethroshur:User talk:محمد شعیب
  7. Şablon:Template error report (biguhêre)Şablon:Template error reportŞablon:Template error report

(50 paş | 50 pêşve) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500) nîşan bide