Here naverokê

Gotûbêj:Antîoxos III Megas

Naverokên rûpelê bi zimanên din nayê destekkirin.
Ji Wîkîpediya, ensîklopediya azad.

Hi @GPinkerton: thank you for your contributions, but can you please stop to create new articles? Your Kurdish is not good enough for it. It doesn't make sense to have more poor-quality articles. I think it would be better, if you help to improve articles instead of creating new one. Thank you! @MikaelF û Ghybu: hûn çi difikirin? —Gomadapeyam 10:49, 9 îlon 2021 (UTC)[bersiv bide]

@Gomada: what needs to be corrected? GPinkerton (gotûbêj) 17:46, 9 îlon 2021 (UTC)[bersiv bide]
Bawer dikim di hemû gotarên ku tu dinivîsî de kêmasiyên zimên hene. Me gelek caran gotiye, mebesta me ya sereke li vir ne hejmara gotaran, lê naveroka wan e. Bi ya min dema ku bi zimanekî nebaş/nerast werin nivîsîn ti feydeya wan gotaran nîne.—Gomadapeyam 11:16, 11 îlon 2021 (UTC)[bersiv bide]
Di sala 210an de, Antîoxosî kurê xwe Antîoxos (kurê Antîoxos III) (en) kir şahê hevbeş. Antîoxosê Ciwan di 193an de mir. Piştî ku kurê wî Antîoxos di 261an de mir, Antîoxos Megas bû şahê yekane. Di sala 189an de, Antîoxos kurê xwe Seleukos IV Philopator kir şahê hevbeş.
This sentence doesn't make any sense, especially the dates and names are too confusing. Also apparently you are confusing b.z. with p.z; b.z. = BC, p.z. = AD I hope you will stop creating new articles or making any sort of contributions without the ability to check if your sentences make any sense at all. Balyozxane (gotûbêj) 21:02, 11 îlon 2021 (UTC)[bersiv bide]
@Balyozxane: You're certainly right about the dates; I have now removed those errors! Unfortunately, the names are bound to be confusing; ancient Greeks gave their sons their grandfathers' names quite strictly, so there are a lot of Antiokhoses and Seleukoses: almost as many as Ptolemaioses and Kleopatras! Is it better now?
I don't see why it's a problem that some articles have some mistakes; all the other articles on this Wikipedia are defective in some way. GPinkerton (gotûbêj) 21:50, 11 îlon 2021 (UTC)[bersiv bide]