Gotûbêj:Muzîka kurdî
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Dîroka muzika kurdî çawa derket
[çavkaniyê biguhêre]Hevlano, kekê Ghybû, nuçeyek girîng heye li ser mûziak kurdî, û "makama kurdî", li gorî "Dictionary of meaning" [1]. Ev xeber bi îngilizî ye, wergerina vê nuçe, bi zimanê aziza ya kurdan mezin û pêwîst e. Historically, Kurdish music has very ancient roots that go back to the Hurrian period of the Kurdish history. The Hurrians - the ancestors of the modern Kurds - were an ancient people that inhabited present-day Kurdistan and established several kingdoms before their aryanization by the coming Medes. A Hurrian tablet dating back to the 13th century B.C. was discovered in Ugaret, it contains in its upper portion the text of a Hurrian hymn. In the lower portion, it contains a series of numbers and technical terms that have been interpreted as a score rendering the tune to which the hymn would have been sung. This is then the earliest known musical score in history. Interestingly, the meqam in which the hymn was composed correspondes with the modern meqam "Kurd" . --Alsace38 (gotûbêj) 19:31, 18 gulan 2013 (UTC)