Here naverokê

Gotûbêja bikarhêner:AyourAchtouk

Naverokên rûpelê bi zimanên din nayê destekkirin.
Ji Wîkîpediya, ensîklopediya azad.

Tu bi xêr hatî Wîkîpediyaya kurdî!

[çavkaniyê biguhêre]
I have a question about the name of lanaguages in your language. For example taşelhît: Does the suffix -ît has a function like -ish of English in your language? (like English, Kurdish)—Gomadapeyam 11:17, 4 sibat 2021 (UTC)[bersiv bide]

@Gomada û Ayour2002:, hello, I guess that, because "tutlayt" (language) is a femenine noun, names of languages in tamazight (tacelhit, tarifit, taqbeylit) are femenine (ta- -(i)t) as well, like kurd (Kurdish) becames takurdit, terk (Turkish) taterkit, katalan (Catalan) takatalant, fransis (French) tafransist :) --MikaelF (gotûbêj) 18:13, 4 sibat 2021 (UTC)[bersiv bide]

Yes exactly, thats how feminin nouns are structured in amazigh languages. Thank you sir MikaelF for your answer. -- Ayour2002 (gotûbêj) 18:33, 4 sibat 2021 (UTC)[bersiv bide]
@Gomada û Ayour2002: Thank you for your kind reply. Why do people say amazigh languages and not tamazight languages? Should we talk about the celh dialect, instead of the tacelhit dialect? And perhaps "şelhî" in Kurdish (c = ş)? --MikaelF (gotûbêj) 19:23, 4 sibat 2021 (UTC)[bersiv bide]
Actually why i choosed to write Tachelhit instead of Shilha its bcs it could make a confusion since there are some other amazigh languages that got the Shilha name too. But Tachelhit is only for this one so to avoid the confusion i think its better to let it tachelhit. Also lot of English resources named the language so. Is the letter ş for ش ? if yes then its the right one -- Ayour2002 (gotûbêj) 19:38, 4 sibat 2021 (UTC)[bersiv bide]