Here naverokê

Gotûbêja bikarhêner:Dilovan Gervan

Naverokên rûpelê bi zimanên din nayê destekkirin.
Ji Wîkîpediya, ensîklopediya azad.

Tu bi xêr hatî Wîkîpediyaya kurdî!

[çavkaniyê biguhêre]

--MikaelF (gotûbêj) 06:29, 14 çiriya pêşîn 2020 (UTC)[bersiv bide]

@MikaelF, Biyolojiyabikurdi, Gomada, û Ghybu:

Ez ê wikipediya kurdî bi cih bihêlim. Ji berku devoka min a Kurmancî piçek ferq e. Her wesa min bi alfabeya Arabî xwendîye lewma pîtên Latînî ji min ra piçek zehmet û nexweş in. Ev sedemin ku gelek ji gotarên min baş nayên fahim kirin. Pir ji dil supasiya hewe dikim li Kêmasiyan biborînin û Daxwaz serkeftinê ji we ra dixwazim. {Dilovan Gervan (gotûbêj) 04:10, 3 adar 2021 (UTC)}[bersiv bide]

@Dilovan Gervan:

Silav Dilovan Gervan, Malava ji bo xebatên te yên li ser wîkîpediya kurdî. Ez pir xemgîn bûm ko te dev ji nivîsandinê ber daye. Te gotiyê “devoka min a Kurmancî piçek ferq e” gelo ê me kî kurmanciyek standart heye. Herwisa çend kes pisporê rêzimana kurmanciyê ye? Em hemû, li gel kêmasiyên xwe, çewtiyên xwe dîsa ji hewl didin ko ji bo siberojê çavkaniyak kurmancî ava bikin. Heta ko kurd xwediyê devleta xwe nebin, kurmanciyek standart jî çê nabe, loma divê li gel kêmasiyan jî em xebatên xwe bidomînin. Kêmasî û çewtiyên li gotarên me wê di rojên pêş de ji aliyên nifşên nû ve bên sererastkirin, naveroka gotarên me wê bêne berfirehkirin. Heke em îro hejmara gotaran zêde nekin, sibê tiştek namîne ko bêne xwendin, sererastkirin an jî berfirehkirin. Xwesteka min ji te ew e ko dev ji nivîsandinê bernede, bila gotar kin bin, kêm bin an jî ne li gor rêzimana kurmancî bin lê bila hêjmarên gotarên bi kurmancî li ser wîkîpedyayê zêde bibin. Heke pêdiviya te hebe, heta jim were. ez hertim dikarim alikariya te bikim. Bimîne nav xêr û xweşiyê de.Biyolojiyabikurdi (gotûbêj) 15:39, 3 adar 2021 (UTC)[bersiv bide]

@Dilovan Gervan: Ez jî bi hîwî me ku tu li Wîkîpediya kurdî bimînî. Kurmanciya te ne problem e; pirsgirêk Wikipedia Werger e. Sopas û bi silav û rêz. --MikaelF (gotûbêj) 18:26, 4 adar 2021 (UTC)[bersiv bide]

Thanks for the translation :-) Hope the rest of the article will also get completed. Thanks! Vincentvikram (gotûbêj) 16:51, 19 adar 2021 (UTC)[bersiv bide]

Your feedback is needed - Improving the Content Translation tool

[çavkaniyê biguhêre]

Hello Friend,

Apologies as this message is not in your native language.

The WMF language team is reaching out to you based on your valuable contributions to the Kurdish Wikipedia as an editor who frequently uses the Content Translation tool.  

We appreciate the great work you are doing in Kurdish Wikipedia to increase content to ensure that knowledge is available in your Wikipedia and understand that it is annoying to encounter difficulties while translating articles or deleted content afterwards. Therefore, the WMF Language team will like to understand from your experience, the issues you encounter when using the tool to translate content.

Our observations

We noticed that the Content Translation tool is not used frequently and sometimes the articles created are deleted. We say this because, from our statistics, 10075 articles were added to Kurdish Wikipedia in 2020. Out of the above figure, only 428 of them were translated using the Content Translation tool; 19 of the articles added with Content translation were deleted. While the tool has been frequently used with low deletion ratios on many wikis, the tool's low usage signals a problem or deficiencies peculiar to Kurdish Wikipedia. As the Content Translation tool can increase content creation in your Wikipedia and is a proven excellent way to efficiently Introduce newcomers to adding content and expand on existing ones.

Our request

So, we are reaching out to you because we want you to participate in a survey. The survey will help us understand your challenges with the tool, the aspect of the tool you think needs improvement that will enable your community to use it more and reduce the rate of content deletion.

Please follow this link to the Survey:
Take the Survey
To know how the information collected from the survey will be used, please read the Privacy Statement.

If you are not comfortable with taking the survey, that is fine. You can still provide us with feedback via email on the following questions:

  • What is the most challenging part of translating an article using the Content Translation tool? Example (adding the references, the infobox, templates, publishing, etc.
  • Why is the above the most challenging part of translating articles in your Wikipedia?
  • In your opinion, what changes can be made to the tool that can make more people in your community use the tool more frequently?
  • Why do you think some translated articles are being deleted?

So please, feel free to give us feedback in any way that is most convenient for you.

Thank you so much, as we look forward to your response.

UOzurumba (WMF) (talk) 10:08, 21 hezîran 2021 (UTC) On behalf of the WMF language team.[bersiv bide]

Reminder: Your feedback is needed - Improving the Content Translation tool

[çavkaniyê biguhêre]

Hello Friend!

The WMF language team earlier reached out to you to participate in a survey to give us insight into the challenges you are having using the Content Translation tool towards improving the tool for you and your community.

We are reaching out to you again as a reminder to Take the Survey as the survey will close on 9th July 2021 (23:59 UTC). The survey will only take you between 10 to 15 minutes. Please read the Privacy Statement to know how the information collected from the survey will be used.

If you already took the survey- thank you! You don't need to retake it.

Thank you, as we look forward to your response.

UOzurumba (WMF) 19:11, 6 tîrmeh 2021 (UTC) On behalf of the WMF Language team.[bersiv bide]