Here naverokê

Lîsteya xanedan û dewletên kurdan

Ji Wîkîpediya, ensîklopediya azad.
(Ji Dewletên kurdan hat beralîkirin)

Ev lîsteyeke xanedan, dewlet û herêmên otonom ên kurdan e. Heta sedsala 10an têgiha "kurd" bi maneyeke etnîkî nedihat bikaranîn û ji koçerên îranî yên li herêma di navbera Gola Wanê û Gola Ûrmiyeyê re "kurd" dihat gotin.[1] Di çavkaniyên erebî yên serdema navîn de, "kurd" ji koçer û nîvkoçerên ku ne faris bûn û ne jî tirk bûn re dihat gotin.[2][3]

Dewletên destpêkî

[biguhêre | çavkaniyê biguhêre]
Xanedana Eyûbiyan di sala 1193an de

Bermahiyên Xanedana Eyyûbiyan (sedsala 13an–sedsala 19an)

[biguhêre | çavkaniyê biguhêre]

Gelek pêkhateyên siyasî yên kurdan di serdema piştî hilweşîna Xanedana Eyûbiyan a di sala 1260an de geş bûn. Hin ji van desthilatdaran îdia dikir ku zuryetên eyûbiyan in.

Herêmên tampon di navbera Osmanî û Îranê de (sedsala 13em–19em)

[biguhêre | çavkaniyê biguhêre]

Di dîrokê de ji ber sedemên curbecur, pêkhateyên kurdan wekî herêmên tampon di navbera Împeratoriya Osmanî û Îranê de hebûn. Çend ji wan ev in:

Xanedanên din ên esil kurd

[biguhêre | çavkaniyê biguhêre]
Xanedana Sefewiyan sedsalên 16-18an
Xanedana Zendan di 1776an de

Dewletên sedsala 20-21ê

[biguhêre | çavkaniyê biguhêre]

Mijarên têkildaar

[biguhêre | çavkaniyê biguhêre]
Ev gotar ji agahiyên naveroka vê guhertoya gotara wekhev a Wîkîpediyaya îngilîzî pêk tê.
  1. ^ van Bruinessen, Martin (1989). A. Andrews, Peter (edîtor). "The ethnic identity of the Kurds". Ethnic Groups in the Republic of Turkey: 5.
  2. ^ Limbert, John (1968). "The Origins and Appearance of the Kurds in Pre-Islamic Iran". Iranian Studies. 1 (2): 48. doi:10.1080/00210866808701350. JSTOR 4309997 – bi riya JSTOR.
  3. ^ James, Boris (îlon 2006). "Uses and Values of the Term Kurd in Arabic Medieval Literary Sources". Institut Kurde. Roja gihiştinê 4 nîsan 2021.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (lînk)
  4. ^ Bosworth (1994). "Daysam". Iranica Online.
  5. ^ Tor, D.G. (2017). The Abbasid and Carolingian Empires: Studies in Civilizational Formation. Brill Academic Pub. r. 54-55.
  6. ^ a b Amir Hassanpour, Nationalism and Language in Kurdistan, 1918-1985, Mellen Research University Press, 1992, p. 50.
  7. ^ Gunter (2010), r. 117.
  8. ^ a b Aḥmad, K. M. (1985). "ʿANNAZIDS". Iranica Online. II.
  9. ^ Büchner 2012.
  10. ^ Spuler 2012.
  11. ^ Han, Şeref (Çev. İbrahim Sunkur) (2016). Şerefname. Van: Sîtav. r. 204. ISBN 978-605-66520-1-1.
  12. ^ R. S. Humphreys, Ayyubids, "Encyclopaedia Iranica", (August 18, 2011),
  13. ^ Oberling, P. "BANĪ ARDALĀN". Encyclopædia Iranica. Roja gihiştinê 21 îlon 2011.
  14. ^ David Mcdowall (1996). The Kurds (PDF). Minority Rights Group International Report. r. 20. Roja gihiştinê 2 gulan 2020.
  15. ^ Najat Abdulla-Ali (2006). Empire, frontière et tribu Le Kurdistan et le conflit de frontière turco-persan (1843-1932) (bi fransî). r. 159.
  16. ^ Alexei Lidov, 1991, The mural paintings of Akhtala, p. 14, Nauka Publishers, Central Dept. of Oriental Literature, University of Michigan, ISBN 5-02-017569-2, ISBN 978-5-02-017569-3, It is clear from the account of these Armenian historians that Ivane's great grandfather broke away from the Kurdish tribe of Babir
  17. ^ Vladimir Minorsky, 1953, Studies in Caucasian History, p. 102, CUP Archive, ISBN 0-521-05735-3, ISBN 978-0-521-05735-6, According to a tradition which has every reason to be true, their ancestors were Mesopotamian Kurds of the tribe (xel) Babirakan.
  18. ^ Richard Barrie Dobson, 2000, Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages: A-J, p. 107, Editions du Cerf, University of Michigan, ISBN 0-227-67931-8, ISBN 978-0-227-67931-9, under the Christianized Kurdish dynasty of Zak'arids they tried to re-establish nazarar system...
  19. ^ Ünal (1999), rr. 262–263.
  20. ^ Hassanpour, Amir (1989). "BŪKĀN". Encyclopedia Iranica. IV.
  21. ^ Han, Şeref (Çev. İbrahim Sunkur) (2016). Şerefname. Van: Sîtav. r. 375. ISBN 978-605-66520-1-1.
  22. ^ Ghalib (2011), r. 50.
  23. ^ Ebraheem (2013), r. 235.
  24. ^ Hakan (2002).
  25. ^ Başçı (2019), r. 63.
  26. ^ a b c Maisel (2018), r. 131.
  27. ^ Soyudoğan (2015).
  28. ^ Verheij (2018).
  29. ^ Flynn (2017), r. 663.
  30. ^ Aboona (2008), r. 175.
  31. ^ a b Eppel (2018), r. 42.
  32. ^ Top (1998), r. 6-9.
  33. ^ Kaplan (2015), r. 4.
  34. ^ Nusret Aydın, Diyarbakır and Mirdasiler History, 2011, p. 304-305
  35. ^ Dehqan & Genç (2019).
  36. ^ Behn (1988).
  37. ^ a b Tapper, Richard (2010). "Shahsevan". {{cite journal}}: Ji bo journal parametreya |journal= hewce ye (alîkarî)
  38. ^ Dehqn, Mustafa (2009). "Arkawāzī and His Baweyaļ: A Feylî Elegiac Verse from Piştiku". Iranian Studies. 42 (3): 409–422. doi:10.1080/00210860902907362. JSTOR 25597563.
  39. ^ Canard, M. (24 nîsan 2012). "Ḥamdānids". Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition (bi îngilîzî). Brill.
  40. ^ Kennedy, Hugh N.; Barbir, Karl (2004). The Prophet and the Age of the Caliphates: The Islamic Near East from the Sixth to the Eleventh Century (bi îngilîzî). Pearson/Longman. ISBN 978-0-582-40525-7.
  41. ^ Matthee 2005; Matthee 2008.
  42. ^ Amoretti & Matthee 2009.
  43. ^ Savory 2008.
  44. ^ Perry, John. "ZAND DYNASTY". (bi îngilîzî). Encyclopædia Iranica. Roja gihiştinê 24 adar 2017. The founder of the dynasty was Moḥammad Karim Khan b. Ināq Khan (...) of the Bagala branch of the Zand, a pastoral tribe of the Lak branch of Lors (perhaps originally Kurds; see Minorsky, p. 616) (...)
  45. ^ ...the bulk of the evidence points to their being one of the northern Lur or Lak tribes, who may originally have been immigrants of Kurdish origin., Peter Avery, William Bayne Fisher, Gavin Hambly, Charles Melville (ed.), The Cambridge History of Iran: From Nadir Shah to the Islamic Republic, Cambridge University Press, 1991, ISBN 978-0-521-20095-0, p. 64.
  46. ^ Kemper, Michael; Conermann, Stephan (2011). The Heritage of Soviet Oriental Studies. Routledge. r. 92. ISBN 978-1-136-83854-5. In 1992 the area of Laçin was occupied by Armeian forces; a "Kurdish Republic of Laçin" was subsequently declared by local Kurds, but this remained a rather short-lived - not to say stillborn - adventure

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